Saturday, January 22, 2011

When Life Throws You A Lemon - Make Lemonade

Or - in our case make a "Snowman."

On New Years Eve we caught a lemon in the form of a TIA (mini stroke) that put me in the hospital for a couple of days in McAllen TX.  Three days later the insurance company called to exercise their "prior conditions" clause and told me I had no insurance if another one was to happen.  They offered to fly us home as long as we got out of the US within 48 hrs.  Apparently once you have one of these you can be susceptible to a second one, in the first month or two, and we couldn't take that chance.  So it was a hectic couple of days but thanks to huge support from our friends at Tropic Star we got out in just over 48 hrs.

The help we were got down there was amazing.  From the moment we got home from the hospital, even in the hospital, there was a steady stream of people coming by with offers of help.  We even had three couples offer us the use of their homes, one of which we ended up in.  A nearly new, very clean, well decorated condo here in Winnipeg, with a heated underground parking stall.  Bernie and I were overwhelmed by the support we were offered and given.  Do you remember the old saying "you find out who your friends are when the chips are down."  We knew we liked Tropic Star and especially the people there but we had no idea how many friends we have in the park.  To any of you that may read this "Thank You, we'll see you back there ASAP."

So now - making lemonade. 

We were so blessed in this for many reasons.  1) Friends, 2) It wasn't a major stroke, 3) There was no long term damage, 4) It could have been fatal, 5) The support we got, 6) We had family to come home to, 7) We're in a nice warm condo, and I could go on and on.  So Bernie and I do feel we were blessed.  I got a wake up call with no ongoing effects and it just doesn't get any better than that.

My GP here is a super lady who has taken the lead on it.  She has me into The Heart and Stroke Clinic in a couple of weeks, she's done all the tests, and now she gets to sort through the data collected.  We meet with her next week to get the results.  Of course this pinched nerve that has caused me all kinds of trouble still has to be dealt with.  Our ex neighbour is a physiotherapist who has worked miracles on it already.  He has achieved more in two visits that we could have ever hoped for.  He`ll have me back on the dance floor in no time.  His name is Charles - another blessing.

Of course we have been able to spend some time with our kids and grandchildren  -  another blessing.

As you can imagine we didn't envision this as part of our ``Full Time RV Adventure.``  A friend of mine always says "Just Another Bump In Life's Road."  That's how Bernie and I are feeling about this.  We'll get our RV back in about three months and we'll be on our way once again.  Not a wall, just a bump.

Sorry I can't post pictures of all the warm and exciting things we're seeing.  I will post some winter shots when I can -- but at -35 and colder, I am NOT going outside to take them.

Stay well, stay warm, be happy, and please leave a comment when you can.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Here's To 2011


2010 has moved off into the sunset as the sun rises on 2011.  Many many folks are glad to see that one fade off into history.  For us we're sort of sad to see it go because 2010 was "The Year" we started on our "Excellent Adventure."  It had it's hurdles but we are truly blessed to be able to do this.

Posts to our blog have been a little scarce for the last couple of months because we haven't been on the road.  We're enjoying S. Texas and the warmth of it's climate and people.  Bernie actually had a person (another customer in a cashier line up) thank her for coming to spend our winter in the valley.

We're pretty sure there are fewer people down here this winter and the merchants are feeling it.  The Christmas madhouse was the same as every other year.  Getting to a mall is impossible from mid December to Christmas because the Mexican rush is just overwhelming.  We were listening to a Mexican businessman doing a presentation last week here in our park.  He owns businesses on both sides of the border but lives in Mexico.  He told us that the La Plaza Mall, about 10 minutes from us, is the highest grossing (per sq ft) mall in N. America.  I wasn't sure I bought that but I can tell you from experience it's not Texans or Snowbirds that make it that busy.  The place is just packed solid with Mexican plates and some places do not have any English speaking staff.  The airport is next door so the private planes come and go by the dozen and they certainly aren't coming from this side of the border.  Singles, twins, business jets, all lined up and gone shopping at the mall.  It's actually quite amazing.  Simply stepping into some of those shops causes our Visa Card to go into cardiac arrest.  Yet as as you walk the mall you'll see ladies with bags and bags of stuff from those stores.  Mexico may be a third world country, and they do have their problems, but we certainly see the other side of that coin in December every year.  Some say it's all drug money, who knows, I just know there lots of it.

Friends Ken and Doreen Broughton (each end of the table in the picture) invited us to their home for Christmas dinner.  There were 15 Canucks there and we had a wonderful time.  The guys did their normal guy stuff, while the ladies teared up for the kids we were all missing so very much.  After eating way tooooo much we had some fun at the card table and went home to figure out how to loose these extra Christmas pounds.

New Years Eve was supposed to be spent at the park clubhouse with a top notch country & western band.  Unfortunatley I was under the weather and we had to miss it.

In my last post I mentioned a pinched nerve that was causing me some trouble and it still is.   Things are improving and hopefully we'll get to do a little dancing before we hit the road on March 1st.  Bernie is doing a great job of looking after me (read as - putting up with me) and although I'm going stir crazy we're doing ok.

January looks like a pretty busy month.  We have so much to do and so many people to see that there just doesn't seem to be enought time.  This happens every year.  We were with some friends, in Mexico, yesterday and he said to me " you leave in just two months."  It seems amazing but our winter is already half over and we've got sooooo much left to do.  This retirement thing is just too much work  :-)  :-)  :-)

We're working on our route for the Texas to BC trip now.  I can't figure our how to do all the things we want so we're modifying the plan to do a bit less and enjoy the ride.  It's a work in progress but at this time it looks like a couple of days around the Big Bend National Park here in Texas

Then we'll move on to Roswell area of New Mexico.  This is a serious "must do" for me as a UFO lovin kind of guy.  I rode the UFO highway a few years ago on a motorcycle trip but I want to go back and stay awhile.  You know - once again walk the sacred ground of the UFO World Headquarters, the only place on earth they have done autopsies on real life (dead) aliens.  Bernie and the kids all think I've completely lost my marbles, and now you do to, but I run with it and have fun bringing UFO's up at every possible opportunity.  :-)

From there over to Arizona for a few days, then Nevada for a week around Vegas, Hoover Dam, Death Valley, and they a nice long slow ride to Vancouver, Calgary, and back to Winnipeg by ???????????  I just found out the Heavy Duty Truck/RV Rally is in Nebraska on Oct. 16th and Bernie really wants to be there.  Now -- if you believe Bernie wants to be at a HD Truck Rally, I have a great piece of land down in Florida you might want to consider.  There just isn't enough time and since we don't want to overstay our welcome in the US of A we have to do some more planning.

Speaking of time, I think I need to close this one, Bernie is headed for the gym and I have work to do.

Have a great day, thanks for stopping by and please do leave a comment when you can.