Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Back to the Prairies, Warm and Sunny

All good things have to end and so did our travels for this winter.

After a great month with daughter Colleen (Tim,) their family, and many old freinds we headed out of BC at the middle of April. 

The month in B.C. couldn't have been better.  We'll leave rain and cold out of the discussion to concentrate on family and freinds.  We got to see freinds we haven't seen in far too long, spend time with family we see far too infrequently.  It was fun to look at our places of work, our old homes and have another look at Vancouver.

We were thrilled to get to see Brendan (Grandson) play in two hockey tournaments and to spend a whole bunch of time with him and his sisters.  We even got to babysit which is always a thrill for grandma and granpa.

We got to spend some time with some of our old freinds and motorcycle buds although time just didn't allow us to link up with many of them.  Maybe next year.

So off we went, headed for Calgary.  As we travelled through the majestic Canadian Rocky Mountains Bernie and I talked about how despite 8/9000 miles, 15 states, and 3 provinces, there is nothing we saw that has the splendor of our own Rocky Mountains. Pictures can never tell the whole story but these will give you an idea.

That snow is still more than 13' and it's been melting a bit

 Yes it's still snowing up here, our RV has never been this dirty

So we made it safely through the Rockies and pulled into an RV park just N. of Calgary.  They had the elecricity hooked up but the water lines and drain lines were still frozen.  It made for an interesting week in the cold and rain but we survived.  If it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger - well a week in that park certainly makes you stronger.  I won't mention the park name here but if you're interested send me an email and I'd be happy to share it.

Daughter Amber and husband Dallas treated us royally for a week of food and fun.  Sister Jan and husband Mel did the same.  Thanks to them we left Calgary fat and happy on our way to Regina for a couple of days with Brother Rick and his wife Norma.  Again we were treated like royalty and added yet another month of dieting to our itinerary.  I think we'll be on a diet all the way to our leave date at the end of Oct.

So we're back in Manitoba for the summer.  The weather is wonderful, the sun is shining and the fields are green. 

It was huge fun to get back to the Manitoba kids and the grandchildren.  They are all doing very well and the kids all grew about 6 inches.  Boy they change fast when you're away for awhile.  We hope to see lots of them over the summer.

Bernie is back to her gym, three times and week and loves to renew her freindships down there.  She's been a regular at that gym, with that trainer, for 7 years now and has some good freinds she loves dearly.  Her routine would have me dead and buried in about an hour.  She's at it three times a week plus a vigorous "off days" plan.  Amazing.

Yours truly, well since I can't sit still, I found a guy looking for a driver and I'm having a blast driving his water truck.  He has a custom crop spraying company that requires a lot of water at the edge of the field.  That's where I come in with up to 6000 gallons of water in three tanks on a 48' step deck trailer.  The truck is an older Kenworth with a Cummins engine and a 13 speed tranny.  Just a hoot to drive the old girl and it keeps my skills sharp for fall.

So thats about all we have for now.

As usual thanks for stoppping by and please leave a comment when you can.

Neal and Bernie