Monday, November 28, 2011

Wasting Away Again In Margaritaville

No we’re not wasting away but I like the song.

We’re having a great time getting back into the Winter Texan routine, meeting up with friends and getting settled in for a fun winter. Already the pace has quickened to the point we can’t fit it all in. We have dance lessons twice a week, go to a dances on Tuesday afternoon and one night on the weekend with friends. We were at a dance awhile ago and someone actually referred to us as professionals. Those people obviously don't know much about dancing, but we do enjoy it and have a circle of friends in that community. I work at the stained glass shop two full days a week, we try to walk 4 miles at least 5 days a week, Bernie has joined a group of ladies that play Canasta once a week, she goes to the gym three days a week, and then we get together with all of our friends when we can. Sunday mornings we join 200 to 300 others from the resort at the worship service. So – no – we aren’t wasting away down here.

Thought you might enjoy seeing this picture of a Grackle that has decided to claim “under our truck” as his own. He/she is amazing, strutting around wings half extended chasing off anything that comes around. Other birds, cats, and squawking at us any time we get too close.  It's fun to watch him protecting his/her turf.

Enough for today, we’re on our way to get some flowers for the pots Bernie plants each year.  More later.

Have a super day, thanks for stopping by and please do leave a comment when you can.

Neal and Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Wow for a retired oouple you guys sure stay busy. Be sure and get some R&R when you can. But having fun isn't really all that stressful.

    Stay well,
    Gregg & Elaine

    PS - Thanks for the prayers.
