Wednesday, December 5, 2012

And Now - from Pharr Texas

Well we've made it to Texas and are settled in for the winter.  The temperatures are running in the mid 80's every day with the humidex hitting 100 twice this week.  We'll put up with it, somebody's gotta do it.

You know you've hit S. Texas when the bugs are messing up your windshield and everything is flat and green.  We love this part of the drive each year, on Hwy 281, the last 100 miles or so S. of San Antonio.  I sort of relax at that point, the drive is almost done, the bugs are destroying the windshield and the Rio Grande Valley is just ahead.  Friends and warmth are around the corner .................
Flat and green with bugs on the windshield
Forty "flat" miles that way to the Gulf of Mexico
I'm not sure where it actually starts but for us the Palm Trees in the center mean we're in the Valley.  That's always good for a high five and that big smile on my bride's face.

The driveway into Tropic Star.  Right here, every year, a thank you prayer for another safe trip.  Feels like coming home.
And so winter 2012/2013 begins,

Those are orange trees outside our front door and a big old oak tree giving our rig afternoon shade.
This is home for the next three months.  We're back at Tropic Star but on a different lot this year.  They created a half dozen pull through lots for those of us with longer rigs and we decided to take advantage of the opportunity.  It lets us keep our truck with the RV which is a "big deal" to me.  I like the old girl and keeping her close is important.  :-)

It didn't take long for the "winter Texan" rush to set in.  Bernie and I sat down with a calendar yesterday to try and figure out how we'll fit it all in every week.  It turned out we will be going seven days a week with no down days.  Every year we say "it's going to be different" and every year we end up going seven days a week.

Each year we spend as much time as "our bodies will allow" taking dance lessons, going to dances, and enjoying the circle of friends we have around that activity.  This means two lessons, one or more dances per week, a lunch or two, and maybe a dinner with our dance buds.  Now - I can assure you - we won't be Dancing With The Stars anytime soon, but we do have allot of fun and the exercise is good. 

On top of the dance schedule Bernie goes to the gym three mornings a week, walks four or more miles a few times a week, I'm in the stained glass room three days a week, Sat. mornings I work with the Pancake Crew in the dining room, church on Sunday morning, and that's our regular winter schedule.  We also try to get together with friends as often as we can.  You can see why Winter Texans say they have to go home in the spring to "rest up."

Dancing The Night Away

Fun with some dance friends
A daughter comes calling

Once again, for the second time in two years, Amber came from Calgary for an extended weekend visit.  We had a great time and loved every minute of it.

There's something about dad's chair that makes a girl feel -  "comfortable."
 Of course a walk into Mexico for lunch is a "must do."  The food was good and the company - fabulous.
 Amber and Bernie hard at work
"Let's Twist again like we did last summer"
"Let's Twist again like we did last year"

Thanksgiving two
Being Canadian we get to celebrate Thanksgiving twice.  The first one at home with
family and the second one here with friends.  Doesn't get any better than that and we do have a lot to be Thankful for.  Once again for at least the fourth year Ken and Doreen hosted a fabulous dinner where we ate way way way too much - again.

Doreen (back left) and Ken (front right)
Bernie and Doreen, they act like sisters
And so now we'll get ready for Christmas where, once again, we'll eat too much.  Once again we'll say "never again" which really means - until next year.

And this is what happens at the end of a Winter Texan's day.  That's all folks nothing left.................and now you know why I don't post this blog as often as I should.

Bernie grabbed this one - no flash - at the end of a long day but I must admit it's a regular occurence........
Thanks for stopping by and please do leave a comment when you can.
Neal and Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Bernie's twist put my twist to shame.... Great post. Miss you guys.
